The source files for all examples can be found in /examples.

Logistic Regression

This example sets up a $\ell_1$-regularized logistic regression problem using the LogisticSolver and MLSolver interfaces.

Logistic regression is the problem

\[\begin{array}{ll} \text{minimize} & \sum_{i=1}^N \log(1 + \exp(a_i^T x)) + \lambda \|x\|_1 \end{array}\]

using GeNIOS
using Random, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays

Generating the problem data

N, n = 200, 400
à = sprandn(N, n, 0.2)
à .-= sum(Ã, dims=1) ./ N
Ã[:,n] .= 1.0
xstar = zeros(n)
inds = randperm(n)[1:100]
xstar[inds] .= randn(length(inds))
b̃ = sign.(Ã*xstar + 1e-1 * randn(N))

A = Diagonal(b̃) * Ã
b = zeros(N)

λmax = norm(0.5*A'*ones(N), Inf)
λ = 0.05*λmax

Logistic Solver

The easiest way to solve this problem is to use our LogisticSolver interface.

λ1 = λ
λ2 = 0.0
solver = GeNIOS.LogisticSolver(λ1, λ2, A, b)
res = solve!(solver; options=GeNIOS.SolverOptions(use_dual_gap=true, dual_gap_tol=1e-4, verbose=true))
--- GeNIOSResult ---
Status:      OPTIMAL
Obj. val:   96.22
num iters:  11
setup time: 0.114s
solve time: 0.13s

MLSolver interface

Under the hood, the LogisticSolver is just a wrapper around the MLSolver interface. We can see what it's doing below. To use the MLSolver interface, we just need to specify $f$ and the regularization parameters. We also define the conjugate function $f^*$, defined as

\[f^*(y) = \sup_x \{yx - f(x)\},\]

to use the dual gap convergence criterion.

# Logistic problem: min ∑ log(1 + exp(aᵢᵀx)) + λ||x||₁
f2(x) = GeNIOS.log1pexp(x)
f2conj(x::T) where {T} = (one(T) - x) * log(one(T) - x) + x * log(x)
λ1 = λ
λ2 = 0.0
solver = GeNIOS.MLSolver(f2, λ1, λ2, A, b; fconj=f2conj)
res = solve!(solver; options=GeNIOS.SolverOptions(use_dual_gap=true, dual_gap_tol=1e-4, verbose=true))
--- GeNIOSResult ---
Status:      OPTIMAL
Obj. val:   96.22
num iters:  6
setup time: 0.128s
solve time: 0.11s


rmse = sqrt(1/N*norm(A*solver.zk - b, 2)^2)
println("Final RMSE: $(round(rmse, digits=8))")
println("Dual gap: $(round(res.dual_gap, digits=8))")
Final RMSE: 1.47182112
Dual gap: 9.521e-5

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