The source files for all examples can be found in /examples.

Lasso, Three Ways

This example shows how to use the MLSolver, QPSolver, and the GenericSolver interfaces to solve a lasso regression problem.

The lasso regression problem is

\[\begin{array}{ll} \text{minimize} & (1/2)\|Ax - b\|_2^2 + \gamma \|x\|_1 \end{array}\]

using GeNIOS
using Random, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays

Generating the problem data

m, n = 200, 400
A = randn(m, n)
A .-= sum(A, dims=1) ./ m
xstar = sprandn(n, 0.1)
b = A*xstar + 1e-3*randn(m)
λ = 0.05*norm(A'*b, Inf)

MLSolver interface

The MLSolver interface requires the per-sample loss and (optionally) its conjugate, if we want to use the dual gap as a stopping criterion (discussed in our paper). The conjugate function of $f$, defined as

\[f^*(y) = \sup_x \{yx - f(x)\},\]

Specifying the conjugate function is optional, and the solver will fall back to using the primal and dual residuals if it is not specified.

f(x) = 0.5*x^2
fconj(x) = 0.5*x^2
λ1 = λ
λ2 = 0.0
solver = GeNIOS.MLSolver(f, λ1, λ2, A, b; fconj=fconj)
res = solve!(solver; options=GeNIOS.SolverOptions(relax=true, use_dual_gap=true, dual_gap_tol=1e-3, verbose=true))
rmse = sqrt(1/m*norm(A*solver.zk - b, 2)^2)
println("Final RMSE: $(round(rmse, digits=8))")
Starting setup...
Setup in  0.112s

    Iteration      Objective           RMSE       Dual Gap       r_primal         r_dual              ρ           Time
            0      1.682e+01      2.900e-01      9.256e+00            Inf            Inf      1.000e+00         0.000
            1      1.682e+01      2.900e-01      9.256e+00      0.000e+00      9.692e+00      1.000e+00         0.206
           20      2.963e+00      3.613e-02      7.393e-02      1.897e-02      6.309e-02      1.000e+00         0.211
           35      2.963e+00      3.602e-02      6.247e-04      6.305e-04      1.270e-03      1.000e+00         0.216

SOLVED in  0.216s, 35 iterations
Total time:  0.328s

Final RMSE: 0.05093825

Note that the solver uses forward-mode automatic differentiation to compute the first and second derivatives of $f$. We can supply these arguments for additional speedup, if desired.

df(x) = x
d2f(x) = 1.0
solver = GeNIOS.MLSolver(f, df, d2f, λ1, λ2, A, b; fconj=fconj)
res = solve!(solver; options=GeNIOS.SolverOptions(relax=true, use_dual_gap=true, dual_gap_tol=1e-3, verbose=true))
rmse = sqrt(1/m*norm(A*solver.zk - b, 2)^2)
println("Final RMSE: $(round(rmse, digits=8))")
Starting setup...
Setup in  0.043s

    Iteration      Objective           RMSE       Dual Gap       r_primal         r_dual              ρ           Time
            0      1.682e+01      2.900e-01      9.256e+00            Inf            Inf      1.000e+00         0.000
            1      1.682e+01      2.900e-01      9.256e+00      0.000e+00      9.692e+00      1.000e+00         0.090
           20      2.963e+00      3.613e-02      7.393e-02      1.897e-02      6.309e-02      1.000e+00         0.094
           35      2.963e+00      3.602e-02      6.247e-04      6.305e-04      1.270e-03      1.000e+00         0.099

SOLVED in  0.099s, 35 iterations
Total time:  0.142s

Final RMSE: 0.05093825

QPSolver interface

The QPSolver interface requires us to specify the problem in the form

\[\begin{array}{ll} \text{minimize} & (1/2)x^TPx + q^Tx \\ \text{subject to} & l \leq Mx \leq u \end{array}\]

We introduce the new variable $t$ and inntroduce the constraint $-t \leq x \leq t$ to enforce the $\ell_1$ norm. The problem then becomes

\[\begin{array}{ll} \text{minimize} & (1/2)x^TA^TAx + b^TAx + \gamma \mathbf{1}^Tt \\ \text{subject to} & \begin{bmatrix}0 \\ -\infty\end{bmatrix} \leq \begin{bmatrix} I & I \\ I & -I \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}x \\ t\end{bmatrix} \leq \begin{bmatrix}\infty \\ 0\end{bmatrix} \end{array}\]

P = blockdiag(sparse(A'*A), spzeros(n, n))
q = vcat(-A'*b, λ*ones(n))
M = [
    sparse(I, n, n)     sparse(I, n, n);
    sparse(I, n, n)     -sparse(I, n, n)
l = [zeros(n); -Inf*ones(n)]
u = [Inf*ones(n); zeros(n)]
solver = GeNIOS.QPSolver(P, q, M, l, u)
res = solve!(
    solver; options=GeNIOS.SolverOptions(
rmse = sqrt(1/m*norm(A*solver.xk[1:n] - b, 2)^2)
println("Final RMSE: $(round(rmse, digits=8))")
Starting setup...
Setup in  0.000s

    Iteration        Obj Val       r_primal         r_dual              ρ           Time
            0      0.000e+00            Inf            Inf      1.000e+00         0.000
            1      0.000e+00      0.000e+00      9.934e+00      1.000e+00         0.001
           20     -1.337e+01      3.609e-02      2.994e-01      1.000e+00         0.026
           40     -1.380e+01      2.097e-02      1.168e-01      1.000e+00         0.044
           60     -1.385e+01      6.188e-03      3.146e-02      1.000e+00         0.066
           80     -1.385e+01      1.398e-03      6.595e-03      1.000e+00         0.091
           89     -1.385e+01      6.617e-04      2.935e-03      1.000e+00         0.102

SOLVED in  0.102s, 89 iterations
Total time:  0.103s

Final RMSE: 0.05123142

Generic interface

Finally, we use the generic interface, which provides a large amount of control but is more complicated to use than the specialized interfaces demonstrated above.

First, we define the custom HessianOperator, which is used to solve the linear system in the $x$-subproblem. Since the Hessian of the objective is simply $A^TA$, this operator is simple for the Lasso problem. However, note that, since this is a custom type, we can speed up the multiplication to be more efficient than if we were to use $A^TA$ directly.

The update! function is called before the solution of the $x$-subproblem to update the Hessian, if necessary.

struct HessianLasso{T, S <: AbstractMatrix{T}} <: HessianOperator
function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y, H::HessianLasso, x)
    mul!(H.vm, H.A, x)
    mul!(y, H.A', H.vm)
    return nothing

function update!(::HessianLasso, ::Solver)
    return nothing
update! (generic function with 1 method)

Now, we define $f$, its gradient, $g$, and its proximal operator.

params = (; A=A, b=b, tmp=zeros(m), λ=λ)
function f(x, p)
    A, b, tmp = p.A, p.b, p.tmp
    mul!(tmp, A, x)
    @. tmp -= b
    return 0.5 * sum(w->w^2, tmp)

function grad_f!(g, x, p)
    A, b, tmp = p.A, p.b, p.tmp
    mul!(tmp, A, x)
    @. tmp -= b
    mul!(g, A', tmp)
    return nothing

Hf = HessianLasso(A, zeros(m))
g(z, p) = p.λ*sum(x->abs(x), z)

function prox_g!(v, z, ρ, p)
    λ = p.λ
    @inline soft_threshold(x::T, κ::T) where {T <: Real} = sign(x) * max(zero(T), abs(x) - κ)
    v .= soft_threshold.(z, λ/ρ)
prox_g! (generic function with 1 method)

Finally, we can solve the problem.

solver = GeNIOS.GenericSolver(
    f, grad_f!, Hf,         # f(x)
    g, prox_g!,             # g(z)
    I, zeros(n);            # M, c: Mx + z = c
res = solve!(solver; options=GeNIOS.SolverOptions(relax=true, verbose=true))
rmse = sqrt(1/m*norm(A*solver.zk - b, 2)^2)
println("Final RMSE: $(round(rmse, digits=8))")
Starting setup...
Setup in  0.083s

    Iteration        Obj Val       r_primal         r_dual              ρ           Time
            0      1.682e+01            Inf            Inf      1.000e+00         0.000
            1      1.682e+01      0.000e+00      9.692e+00      1.000e+00         0.076
           20      2.970e+00      1.897e-02      1.327e-02      1.000e+00         0.082
           27      2.963e+00      2.518e-03      1.789e-03      1.000e+00         0.084

SOLVED in  0.084s, 27 iterations
Total time:  0.167s

Final RMSE: 0.05084529


We could alternatively use ProximalOperators.jl to define the proximal operator for g:

using ProximalOperators
prox_func = NormL1(λ)
gp(x, p) = prox_func(x)
prox_gp!(v, z, ρ, p) = prox!(v, prox_func, z, ρ)

# We see that this give the same result
solver = GeNIOS.GenericSolver(
    f, grad_f!, Hf,         # f(x)
    gp, prox_gp!,           # g(z)
    I, zeros(n);            # M, c: Mx + z = c
res = solve!(solver; options=GeNIOS.SolverOptions(relax=true, verbose=true))
rmse = sqrt(1/m*norm(A*solver.zk - b, 2)^2)
println("Final RMSE: $(round(rmse, digits=8))")
Starting setup...
Setup in  0.010s

    Iteration        Obj Val       r_primal         r_dual              ρ           Time
            0      1.682e+01            Inf            Inf      1.000e+00         0.000
            1      1.682e+01      0.000e+00      9.692e+00      1.000e+00         0.027
           20      2.970e+00      1.897e-02      1.327e-02      1.000e+00         0.033
           27      2.963e+00      2.518e-03      1.789e-03      1.000e+00         0.035

SOLVED in  0.035s, 27 iterations
Total time:  0.045s

Final RMSE: 0.05084529

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