The source files for all examples can be found in /examples.
Optimal Power Flow
This example uses ConvexFlows
to solve am optimal power flow problem.
The optimal power flow problem seeks a cost-minimizing plan to generate power satisfying demand in each region. We consider a network of $m$ transmission lines (edges) between $n$ regions (nodes). Each node has a demand $d_i$ and incurs cost $c_i(y_i) = (d_i - y_i)_+^2$ for power $y_i$.
Each transmission line (edge) has a loss that's a function of the power flow through it. the line and given by
\[ \ell(w) = \alpha \left(\log(1 + \exp(\beta w)) - \log 2\right) - 2w.\]
The output of a line is then $h(w) = w - \ell(w)$. The optimal power flow problem is then to minimize the total cost (maximize its negative) subject to the power flow constraints and net flow constraint:
\[\begin{aligned} & \text{maximize} && -\sum_{i=1}^n (d_i - y_i)_+^2 \\ & \text{subject to} && y = \sum_{i=1}^n A_i x_i \\ &&& h(-(x_i)_1) \le (x_i)_2 ~ \text{for} i = 1, \dots, m. \\ \end{aligned}\]
using ConvexFlows
using Random, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays
using Plots, LogExpFunctions
Generating the problem data
n = 10
# Build a graph:
Adj = sprand(Bool, n, n, 0.4)
Adj = (Adj + Adj' .> 0)
Adj[diagind(Adj)] .= 0
spy(Adj; size=(400, 400), markersize=5, markerstrokewidth=0, xticks=1:10, yticks=1:10)
Construct the problem
# Objective function
d = 4*rand(n) .* rand((0,1), n)
obj = NonpositiveQuadratic(d)
# Edges
h(w) = 3w - 16.0*(log1pexp(0.25 * w) - log(2))
lines = Edge[]
for i in 1:n, j in i+1:n
Adj[i, j] ≤ 0 && continue
# Random upper bound ub ∈ {1, 2, 3}
ub_i = rand((1., 2., 3.))
push!(lines, Edge((i, j); h=h, ub=ub_i))
push!(lines, Edge((j, i); h=h, ub=ub_i))
Solve the problem
prob = problem(obj=obj, edges=lines)
result = solve!(prob)
--- Result ---
f(x) : -11.96
∇f(x) : 2.681e-07
num iters : 18
solve time : 0.061s
Visualize the results
Some nodes with demand 0 are generator nodes, which we see have a net outflow.
p = d - prob.y
plt = bar(
label="net flow",
bar!(plt, d, label="demand", alpha=0.5, color=:red)
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