The source files for all examples can be found in /examples.

Optimal Power Flow

This example uses ConvexFlows to solve am optimal power flow problem.

The optimal power flow problem seeks a cost-minimizing plan to generate power satisfying demand in each region. We consider a network of $m$ transmission lines (edges) between $n$ regions (nodes). Each node has a demand $d_i$ and incurs cost $c_i(y_i) = (d_i - y_i)_+^2$ for power $y_i$.

Each transmission line (edge) has a loss that's a function of the power flow through it. the line and given by

\[ \ell(w) = \alpha \left(\log(1 + \exp(\beta w)) - \log 2\right) - 2w.\]

The output of a line is then $h(w) = w - \ell(w)$. The optimal power flow problem is then to minimize the total cost (maximize its negative) subject to the power flow constraints and net flow constraint:

\[\begin{aligned} & \text{maximize} && -\sum_{i=1}^n (d_i - y_i)_+^2 \\ & \text{subject to} && y = \sum_{i=1}^n A_i x_i \\ &&& h(-(x_i)_1) \le (x_i)_2 ~ \text{for} i = 1, \dots, m. \\ \end{aligned}\]

We will solve the same problem as in the standard example, but with additional optimizations.

using ConvexFlows
using Random, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays
using Plots, LogExpFunctions, StatsBase
using Graphs: Graph, connected_components
import GraphPlot
import Cairo

const CF = ConvexFlows
const GP = GraphPlot

Generating the problem data

function build_graph(n; d=0.11, α=0.8, rseed=1)
    xys = [sqrt(n)*rand(2) for _ in 1:n]
    I = Vector{Int}()
    sizehint!(I, n)
    J = Vector{Int}()
    sizehint!(J, n)
    V = Vector{Int}()
    sizehint!(V, n)
    for i in 1:n, j in i+1:n
        dist = norm(xys[i] - xys[j])
        γ = α * min(1.0, d^2 / dist^2)
        if rand() ≤ γ
            push!(I, i)
            push!(J, j)
            push!(V, 1)
    Adj = sparse(I, J, V, n, n)
    Adj = Adj + Adj'

    for i in 1:n
        sum(Adj[i, :]) > 0 && continue
        dists = [norm(xys[i] - xys[j]) for j in 1:n if j ≠ i]
        jmin = argmin(dists)
        Adj[i, jmin] = 1
        Adj[jmin, i] = 1

    ccs = connected_components(Graph(Adj))
    nccs = length(ccs)
    remaining = Set(1:nccs)
    while nccs > 1
        cc_i, cc_j = sample(collect(remaining), 2, replace=false)
        i = rand(ccs[cc_i])
        j = rand(ccs[cc_j])
        Adj[i, j] = 1
        Adj[j, i] = 1
        ccs[cc_i] = union(ccs[cc_i], ccs[cc_j])
        remaining = setdiff(remaining,  Set([cc_j]))
        nccs -= 1

    return Adj, xys

n = 100

# Build a graph:
Adj, xys = build_graph(n)
network_fig_n100 = GP.gplot(
    [xy[1] for xy in xys],
    [xy[2] for xy in xys],
    edgestrokec="dark gray",
Example block output

Closed form solutions to arbitrage problem

# Edge gain function
h(w) = 3w - 16.0*(log1pexp(0.25 * w) - log(2))

# Closed for solution to the arbitrage problem, i.e. the w⋆ that solves
#  h'(w) == ratio
wstar(ηrat, b) = ηrat ≥ 1.0 ? 0.0 : min(4.0 * log((3.0 - ηrat)/(1.0 + ηrat)), b)

lines = Edge[]
for i in 1:n, j in i+1:n
    Adj[i, j] ≤ 0 && continue

    # Random upper bound ub ∈ {1, 2, 3}
    ub_i = rand((1., 2., 3.))

    push!(lines, Edge((i, j); h=h, ub=ub_i, wstar = @inline w -> wstar(w, ub_i)))
    push!(lines, Edge((j, i); h=h, ub=ub_i, wstar = @inline w -> wstar(w, ub_i)))

# Objective function
d = rand((0.5, 1., 2.), n)
obj = NonpositiveQuadratic(d)
NonpositiveQuadratic{Float64}(100, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0  …  1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 2.0  …  0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0])

Solve the problem

prob = problem(obj=obj, edges=lines)
result = solve!(prob)
--- Result ---
Status:      OPTIMAL
f(x)       :   -89.41
∇f(x)      :   8.95e-07
num iters  :   36
solve time : 0.319s

Visualize the results

Some nodes with demand 0 are generator nodes, which we see have a net outflow.

inds = sortperm(d)
plt = bar(
    label="net flow",
bar!(plt, d[inds], label="demand", alpha=0.5, color=:red)
Example block output

Generic interface

We may also define the subproblems at each iteration directly

Arbitrage problem

We may also define the find_arb! function directly.

# ----- TransmissionLine edge ----
struct TransmissionLine{T} <: CF.Edge{T}
function TransmissionLine(b::T, Ai::Vector{Int}) where T <: AbstractFloat
    α, β = T(16), T(1/4)
    p_max = one(T)
    p_min = 3 - α * β * logistic(β * b)
    flow_max = 3b -  α * (log1pexp(β * b) - log(2))
    return TransmissionLine(b, α, β, p_min, p_max, flow_max, Ai)

function gain(w::T, e::TransmissionLine{T}) where T
    α, β, b = e.α, e.β, e.b
    w = w > b ? b : w
    return w - (α * (log1pexp(β * w) - log(2))  - 2w)

function CF.find_arb!(x::Vector{T}, e::TransmissionLine{T}, η::AbstractVector{T}) where T
    η1, η2 = η[1], η[2]
    x[1] = -clamp(1/e.β * log((3η2 - η1)/(η2 + η1)), zero(T), e.b)
    x[2] = gain(-x[1], e)
    return nothing


struct QuadraticPowerCost{T} <: Objective
QuadraticPowerCost(d::Vector{T}) where T = QuadraticPowerCost(length(d), d)

function U(obj::QuadraticPowerCost{T}, y) where T
    return -0.5*sum(x->abs2(max(x, zero(T))), obj.d - y)

function grad_U(obj::QuadraticPowerCost{T}, y) where T
    return obj.d - y

function CF.Ubar(obj::QuadraticPowerCost{T}, ν) where T
    return 0.5*sum(abs2, ν) - dot(obj.d, ν)

function CF.grad_Ubar!(g, obj::QuadraticPowerCost{T}, ν) where T
    @. g = ν - obj.d
    return nothing

CF.lower_limit(obj::QuadraticPowerCost{T}) where {T} = zeros(T, obj.n)
CF.upper_limit(obj::QuadraticPowerCost{T}) where {T} = convert(T, Inf) .+ zeros(T, obj.n)

Construct problem

# Define objective function
Uy = QuadraticPowerCost(d)

# Build lines
lines_generic = TransmissionLine[]
for line in lines
    push!(lines_generic, TransmissionLine(line.ub, [line.Ai[1], line.Ai[2]]))

Solve with ConvexFlows.jl

s = Solver(
solve!(s, verbose=true)

sol_norm = norm(s.y - prob.y)
println("Norm of solution difference: $sol_norm")

           * * *

Machine precision = 2.220D-16
 N =          100     M =            5

At X0         0 variables are exactly at the bounds

At iterate    0    f= -8.00000D+01    |proj g|=  1.00000D+00

At iterate    1    f= -8.32435D+01    |proj g|=  1.84935D+00

At iterate    2    f= -8.54055D+01    |proj g|=  7.94697D-01

At iterate    3    f= -8.79083D+01    |proj g|=  6.85729D-01

At iterate    4    f= -8.85128D+01    |proj g|=  3.08336D+00

At iterate    5    f= -8.92214D+01    |proj g|=  7.38227D-01

At iterate    6    f= -8.93107D+01    |proj g|=  2.16023D-01

At iterate    7    f= -8.93609D+01    |proj g|=  1.74024D-01

At iterate    8    f= -8.93911D+01    |proj g|=  2.96564D-01

At iterate    9    f= -8.94028D+01    |proj g|=  9.86228D-02

At iterate   10    f= -8.94056D+01    |proj g|=  3.91810D-02

At iterate   11    f= -8.94069D+01    |proj g|=  1.58504D-02

At iterate   12    f= -8.94075D+01    |proj g|=  1.49024D-02

At iterate   13    f= -8.94075D+01    |proj g|=  3.43326D-02

At iterate   14    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  6.07548D-03

At iterate   15    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  3.18647D-03

At iterate   16    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  2.16905D-03

At iterate   17    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  1.04428D-02

At iterate   18    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  9.08298D-04

At iterate   19    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  5.39211D-04

At iterate   20    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  5.37826D-04

At iterate   21    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  4.63654D-04

At iterate   22    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  1.70010D-04

At iterate   23    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  7.91759D-05

At iterate   24    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  5.79295D-05

At iterate   25    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  1.78119D-04

At iterate   26    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  3.00730D-05

At iterate   27    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  1.63803D-05

At iterate   28    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  1.85695D-05

At iterate   29    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  3.67022D-05

At iterate   30    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  3.13033D-05

At iterate   31    f= -8.94077D+01    |proj g|=  3.12928D-06

           * * *

Tit   = total number of iterations
Tnf   = total number of function evaluations
Tnint = total number of segments explored during Cauchy searches
Skip  = number of BFGS updates skipped
Nact  = number of active bounds at final generalized Cauchy point
Projg = norm of the final projected gradient
F     = final function value

           * * *

   N    Tit     Tnf  Tnint  Skip  Nact     Projg        F
  100     31     33     31     0     0   3.129D-06  -8.941D+01
  F =  -89.407705962534408


 Cauchy                time 1.125E-04 seconds.
 Subspace minimization time 1.602E-04 seconds.
 Line search           time 4.226E-02 seconds.

 Total User time 1.084E-01 seconds.

Norm of solution difference: 6.726324370005208e-6

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